In order to maintain a beautiful and serene environment for retreats, we are working on addressing deferred maintenance and restoring / maintaining the Cenacle on the Lake. Below are some of the most recent improvements to our facilities:
The sloped concrete in front of the main steps was very steep and dangerous, especially when wet. The concrete was removed and replaced with several new steps to make it safer and more welcoming to the retreatants.
The metal bars from the front windows were removed to make the Cenacle on the Lake more welcoming and inviting.
Many trees were growing too close to the foundation of the reteat center building. These trees were removed in order to protect the building foundation, the gutters, the roof, and the building utilities. Removing the trees along the building gives the retreat center a cleaner look and helps prevent the building from turnign green with mildew.
For many years, the fence line was over grown. As a result, the chainlink fence between the retreat center and the lake has been damaged. The overgrown fence line inhibited the growth of the mastic oaks along the fence line. The overgrown fence line also hid the lake and hid the retreat center from anyone passing by on the levee. The trees were cleared in order replace the fence, open up the Cenacle property and invite retreatants up to the lake, and allow the majestic oaks to continue to thrive. A new fence is planned in the future.
All of these projects that have been completed were made possible through the generosity of friends of the Cenacle on the Lake. If you would like to make a donation towards the future projects, please DONATE here.